TMC - 9 Digital Tech Semester 1
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Structuring your files

Each of your projects should live in its own folder somewhere sensible (like in a Digital Tech folder in your OneDrive!).

Digital Tech/
├── firstGame/
│   └──
├── secondGame/
│   └──
├── thirdGame/
│   └──
└── fourthGame/

Within each of those folders, there will be python file with your game code in it, but there may well be other files and folders as well. Here is an example of a more complex project:

├── images/
│   ├── someImage.jpg
│   ├── anotherImage.jpg
│   └── ... # sprites, tiles and other image files
├── fonts/
│   └── ... # any font files
├── sounds/
│   └── ... # any sound files
└── music/
    └── ... # any music files

You don’t need to have those folders unless you have something to put in them.

Check your version of Mu

If you are using a version of Mu older than 1.1.0-alpha.2, the shortcut buttons in Pygame Zero mode (Images, Sounds, Fonts and Music) will open folders in Mu’s default save location. If you have saved your project in a different location (like your OneDrive) you won’t be able to use these shortcut buttons, as they won’t open the right folders.

From 1.1.0-alpha.2 onwards, the buttons will open folders relative to the file you have open, so they will always work, regardless of where you save your game file.