TMC - 8 Digital Tech
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G2: My First 2D Game

Using the examples worked through in class, you will need to develop the game to have the following features working:

  • Player movement
  • Collectables
  • Score
  • Collision Events
  • Code with internal comments

To Be Successful

  • Include all the above items in your game and complete by the due date.
  • Include comments with all your Python code
  • Use appropriate programming structures (selection and iteration)


Students will be guided through the programming skills and techniques required to complete their final Game Design Project. At the checkpoint students must demonstrate their first 2D Game meets all the requirements.Students will further develop their coding skills by developing a program that uses modules, selection, iteration and variables.

Learning Behaviours

This task provides the following opportunities to develop and demonstrate the Learner Behaviours:

Engages in Python coding challenges with persistence and learns from their mistakes and willingly completes the extension activities.
Explores and tests ideas by asking questions, researching and through trial and error when learning new skills or developing solutions.
Works in teams to solve problems and create new information. Willingly shares new skills and knowledge and assists others and seeks assistance from peers.
Connects programming constructs and data structures to real life applications and is able to explore and discuss issues and ethical implications of their solution.
Flexible Thinker
Applies new knowledge and skills to solve problems and is able to adapt and recognize patterns in other solutions.
Motivated learner who demonstrates initiative by following a project management process to complete a project.