TMC - 10 Digital Tech Semester 2
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3: 2D Game Design Project


Design Brief

Using a teme of your choice, design and develop a 2D Game. Your game must have the following features:

  • Player movement
  • Collectables/rewards
  • A player score, which is displayed
  • Enemies with collision events
  • A winning state

It must also feature:

  • User friendly interface with messages
  • Event sound effects
  • Two levels (bonus)

Game Proposal

All projects need an introduction that tells the reader what the intended aim of the developed project will be. The problem definition explains the problem/situation and outlines the intended outcomes of the system.

Use the planning template as the basis for your game proposal, being sure to include all relevant design information.

  • Game Title

  • Overall vision for the game

  • Target audience

  • Platform

  • Genre

  • Core Gameplay

    This section should describe in detail what playing the game is like covering the following areas:

    • Player Rules
    • Gameplay Mode
    • Setting
    • Challenges and Game Balance:
    • Reward and punishment
    • Levels of difficulty
    • Victory Conditions: a. How do you win the game? If there is no way to win the game, what is the player trying to accomplish?
