
A list is a data structure for storing a series of related pieces of information.

Defining a list

You can define a list using square brackets, with the elements separated by commas, like this:

squares = [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36]
vowels = ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"]

Selecting elements

You can pick an element from the list like this: squares[0]. Note that counting begins at zero. Think of the number as “how far from the beginning” the element in the list is. So vowels[0] is the element at the start of the list, and vowels[3] is three elements further down the list. So the string "u" in that list would be vowels[4].

Adding elements

You can add elements to the end of a list with the append() function.

# Output: 49

Removing elements

You can remove elements from a list with remove() and pop().

friends = ["Nhi", "David", "Hari", "Zahra"]
# Output: ["Nhi, "Hari", "Zahra"]

If there are multiple elements in the list with the same value, remove() will remove just the first one.

friends = ["Nhi", "David", "Hari", "Zahra"]
exBestie = friends.pop(0)
# Output: ["David", "Hari", "Zahra"]
# Output: "Nhi"