
Here are some things to try if your program won’t run on the EV3.

  1. Check that the shebang line hasn’t been mangled. It is easy to add a space to the left or a line above, and that will break it.
  2. Make sure all the plugs are properly seated in their sockets by pushing them in a little bit. If you hear a click, that one wasn’t in properly, but should be now!
  3. Check that the sensors and motors that you’ve declared in your program are actually plugged in to the ports you have said they are. If not, you can either rewire them so they match the program, or change the program to match the wiring.
  4. Plug the robot back into the computer and reconnect it. Use the debugging mode: Run > Start Debugging, and there should be a helpful message at the bottom of the window about what is confusing the computer.