
Flowcharts are a visual representation of an algorithm. A flowchart normally uses a combination of blocks and arrows to represent actions and sequences. Blocks typically represent actions. The order in which actions occur is shown using arrows that point from statement to statement. Sometimes a block will have multiple arrows coming out of it, representing a step where a decision must be made about which path to follow.


1. Append "-".
2. Append first letter
3. Append "ay"
4. Remove first letter


1. Append "-"
2. If first letter is vowel, then:
    a. Append "yay"
3. Otherwise:
    a. Append first letter
    b. Append "ay"
    c. Remove first letter


1. Store list of words
2. For each word in words:
    a. Append hyphen
    b. If first letter is vowel, then:
        i.   Append "yay"
    c. Otherwise:
        i.   Append first letter
        ii.  Append "ay"
        iii. Remove first letter