4: Animal Quiz

Task Description

Students will further develop their coding skills by developing a program that asks the player some questions about animal and a topic of their choice. They get three chances to answer each question—you don’t want to make the quiz too difficult! Each correct answer will score one point. At the end of the quiz, the program reveals the player’s final score.

You will need to follow the Animal Quiz Tutorial and complete the following items:

  1. Complete the Animal Quiz with 3 or more questions.
  2. Give the user 3 chances to answer the question.
  3. Make another quiz on your own topic. Create a quiz on a different subject, such as general knowledge, sports, movies, or music.
  4. Include multiple-choice questions.
  5. Give a better score for fewer attempts. Reward the player for getting the answer right with fewer guesses. Give 3 points if they get it in one try, 2 points for needing two attempts, and 1 point for using all three chances.
  6. Provide feedback based on the player’s final score:
    • “Well Done, you got them all correct, you must be smart!”,
    • “Almost there, better luck next time.” or
    • “You really need to study!”.

To Be Successful 

  • Accurately and independently complete all 6 items above and upload to SEQTA:

    • your animal quiz code as a python file,
    • your own quiz (different topic) as a python file, and
    • a transcript of your code running (i.e. run it and copy all the text output) named transcript.txt
  • Include comments with your Python code

  • Use the correct programming structure (selection and iteration)


Students will further develop their coding skills by developing a program that uses modules, selection, iteration and variables.

Learning Behaviours

This task provides the following opportunities to develop and demonstrate the Learner Behaviours:

Engages in Python coding challenges with persistence and learns from their mistakes and willingly completes the extension activities.
Explores and tests ideas by asking questions, researching and through trial and error when learning new skills or developing solutions 
Works in teams to solve problems and create new information. Willingly shares new skills and knowledge and assists others and seeks assistance from peers.
Connects programming constructs and data structures to real life applications and is able to explore and discuss issues and ethical implications of their solution 
Flexible Thinkers
Applies new knowledge and skills to solve problems and is able to adapt and recognize patterns in other solutions
Motivated learner who demonstrates initiative by following a project management process to complete a project